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Gazebos as a natural meeting point in your garden

Dancover offers a wide range of beautiful gazebos for many different purposes. You can have permanent gazebos, which you can use on a daily basis to relax and maybe enjoy a nice dinner in the shade. The amazing thing about this simple structure is that you can use it both during the day and in the evening. A nice gazebo provides shade under the scorching sun, and in the evening, it provides shelter from the cool evening air, the falling dew – and for some of the gazebos – even for mosquitoes. What’s not to like? A permanent gazebo soon becomes the natural focal point on any patio and in most gardens. Having an elegant gazebo will provide shade, shelter, a place to relax and entertain friends and family

Gazebos for parties and events

Dancover also offers a range of gazebos developed for parties and events. You can call them gazebos for temporary use. Our marquees and FleXtents® pop-up gazebos are the perfect choice for most kinds of events – private events as well as professional events. Use our elegant and sturdy gazebos for any occasion such as a wedding, graduation party, birthdays, and barbecues. The gazebos will also work brilliantly at fairs and markets as a stand or meeting point. Please note that you can have hundreds of different designs, which make it easy to select the exact gazebo to fit your needs and requests.

Different gazebos for different occasions

We offer gazebos in many different styles and for all kinds of events – including everyday use. Our sturdy and elegant gazebos cover everything from our permanent garden gazebos in steel, aluminium and durable polyester with PVC backing to our lightweight FleXtents® pop-up gazebos meant for temporary use for all kinds of events. Our flexible pop-up gazebos are easy to pitch and will provide shelter and shade at any event both privately and professionally. You can have classic gazebos in soft covers with curtains or modern minimalistic gazebos in stringent design. Among other things, we are proud to offer a series of high-end Italian gazebos, which will make you feel transported to exotic places - such as luxury hotels or a villa by the Mediterranean. No matter which gazebo you want – or where you want to place it - Dancover offers such a wide selection of high-quality gazebos, and we are confident that you can find just the perfect gazebo right here at

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