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Lean-to Greenhouses

Lean-to greenhouses for flowers and homegrown produce

Lean-to greenhouses are small, elegant, and compact greenhouses for everyone without room for a large greenhouse. The lean-to greenhouses are also for anyone who wants some extra room for growing flowers and much more on the patio or similar. With a lean-to greenhouse, you can have an abundance of beautiful flowers, herbs, and vegetables right next to your patio, yard, or on the balcony. From the early spring, you can start enjoying the small sprouts. Through summer and well into the autumn, you can enjoy lush leaves, flowers, and more.

Lean-to greenhouses in glass and polycarbonate

The elegant lean-to greenhouses from Dancover are compact in maintenance-free and lightweight materials. You can have a lean-to greenhouse with the light, strong and modern polycarbonate windowpanes or the more traditional glass panes, as we know them from the classic greenhouses. One of the many advantages of a lean-to greenhouse is that you can place it almost anywhere because of the size. All you need is a little room in front of a wall or similar where you can mount the greenhouse. When selecting the right spot for your new lean-to greenhouse, please be aware of the position of the sun during the day. It is understood that your lean-to greenhouse will need some sun during the day - to provide the perfect growth conditions for your plants.

Lean-to greenhouses provide perfect growth conditions for most plants

Having a lean-to greenhouse will provide a very special place for growing many different kinds of plants. Do not select plants that require too much room or grow too big as they may smother the other plants in the compact greenhouse. On the other hand, you can have many smaller plants inside your greenhouse, e.g. various herbs and other useful plants. Having a lean-to on the patio or near your barbecue will make it obvious to have herbs and other eatable plants to use when preparing food in the open. Do you have questions about any of our lean-to greenhouses, please contact our Xperts by phone, e-mail, or use our Chat.

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