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A-boards for a simple and yet effective promotion

A-boards or pavement signs may be old fashion and very low-tech, but they are great when you want to catch the attention of new and existing customers. Often you will see A-boards outside shops in the street as well as inside shopping centres. When you put out a pavement sign or an A-board in front of your store or office, you have made it possible for passers-by to notice your business in an elegant, flexible, and very affordable way. One of several advantages of the A-boards is that you replace the two posters in no time. You can change the graphic design and text several times every time if needed. It is very easy to renew the posters in the A-board because both sides of the sign have an easy-to-use snap-frame. With a poster on both sides of the A-board, you can make sure that many people get to see the A-board with its offer or general message. You can also use the A-board as a sort of road sign directing existing and potential customers to your store, café, restaurant or office. This is, of course, especially useful if your location is a bit away from the high street.

A-boards can create attention and attract more business

A-boards or pavement signs are called A-boards because they form an ‘A’ when you look at it from the side. The boards may also be referred to as ‘sandwich boards’. The sturdy signs are very simple and safe to use. You can easily put them up in front of your shop and take the sign inside when the shop closes at night. If it makes you feel safe during the day, it is often possible to fasten the A-sign with a wire lock. We offer two kinds of A-boards: the modern lightweight A-boards in aluminium and the classic black pavement signs made of galvanised steel. You can put two posters measuring 70x100 cm in each sign. Restaurants and cafes often use the A-board to present their menu – and maybe Todays Special. The A-boards could be considered as an empty frame, canvas, or black board where you can put anything you like. Use a printed poster or write something yourself. No matter what you prefer, the A-sign will be a great way to present your special offer, the menu or directions to your shop. When you put out an elegant A-board in the street, you can rest assured that many people will see your message!

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