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Thermometers for greenhouses

Thermometers to monitor the temperature inside your greenhouse

Thermometers are very hard to do without when you have a greenhouse. The whole concept of a greenhouse is to create a place with special growing conditions - a warm, moist, and sheltered place for all the plants that not necessarily could grow in the garden outside the greenhouse. However, a greenhouse should not just get as warm as possible as the plants will suffer and in some cases wither and die. That is why it is so important that you always keep an eye on the temperature inside your greenhouse. We offer among many other greenhouse accessories a modern thermometer that will show you the current temperature inside the greenhouse as well as the highest and lowest temperature since you checked last time. The elegant thermometer provides you with vital information about when to open the windows if you do not have automatic window openers installed.

Modern thermometer without mercury, power supply or batteries

Dancover offers a wide range of high-quality greenhouses as well as greenhouse accessories like the popular Min-Max thermometer that helps you monitor the temperature inside your greenhouse. The thermometer shows you the temperature right now as well as the highest and lowest temperature since the latest check. The elegant thermometer works without mercury, power supply or batteries so you can place it anywhere you like inside your greenhouse. It is for you to decide which temperature is the right one according to the type of plants you have in your greenhouse. With a thermometer, you can be sure to monitor the temperature at all times and regulate to create the best growing conditions for your plants. The thermometer shows you the temperature and the fluctuations with the help of bimetal – two pieces of joined metal with different heat expansion coefficients.

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