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Wooden greenhouses

Wooden greenhouses for the perfect garden experience

A wooden greenhouse is so much more than a greenhouse! It is an experience and a feeling – and a great place to spend some quality time in the garden in more or less any kind of weather. Much good are to be said about greenhouses in general, but our greenhouses in pressure treated Nordic spruce are simply a unique experience. The natural materials combined with the height inside the greenhouse make it very special to be inside this elegant structure. Add to this the abundance of light pouring in through the large glass windows providing a spectacular view to the garden surrounding the greenhouse and more if you have the opportunity to place your wooden greenhouse somewhere with a view. In the evening and at night, you can sit or lay inside looking at the night sky well protected from the cool evening air and even a little rain. 

Wooden greenhouses for growing plants or for relaxation

A wooden greenhouse in this exclusive design provides you with a special place where you can grow all sorts of plants or just decorate with some comfortable furniture for relaxation and contemplation. Use the greenhouse as a garden gazebo or combine the best of both worlds as the structure will provide excellent growth condition for most kinds of plants as well as room for relaxation. The roof window in combination with the large door provides ventilation – or you can have an electric fan heater inside the wooden greenhouse to provide pleasant circulation or heat when needed. Having a high-quality wooden greenhouse in this design gives you a secluded world of your own where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the world from the early spring and way into the autumn and beyond with a little help from a heater.

A wooden greenhouse requires the right foundation

A wooden greenhouse in this quality deserves the right foundation. Partly for stabilising the structure, partly for proving you with a nice looking and functional floor inside the structure. All greenhouses need a plane and firm foundation – otherwise, the door and more will not work smoothly. For this elegant and beautiful wooden greenhouse, you can make a foundation in flagstones or wood. This way, you will have a nice floor inside and maybe around the greenhouse if you build it large enough. Are you going to use your greenhouse as an orangery or a garden gazebo? Place the structure on a wooden deck, which also will work as an elegant flooring inside. Do you want to have large flowers pots and containers with soil for plants inside the greenhouse? Be sure to make the wooden deck strong enough or build the foundation with flagstones so the weight will not pose a problem. Furthermore, you can remove a flagstone or two and plant something directly in the soil under the greenhouse. Finally, you can cast a foundation in cement making the greenhouse floor frost-free but then you need to dig down app. 90 cm or more.

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